Oilwoman May-June 2022

LNG is Redefining Refineries

Sarah Skinner
Refineries are often synonymous with oil and gas, but there is another type of refinery out there. Natural gas pipelines are not always feasible in...

Networking for Winning

Richa Bansal
A few years into my first job, I felt ready for a promotion. I discussed it with my manager. He agreed that I was ready...

Using Life to Power It

Shannon West
Comprising 70 percent of the world’s renewable energy consumption, bioenergy is created using biomass, or feedstock, which is any organic material. It can be used...

Building A Coaching Mindset

Katie Navarra
Lindsay Jaffee often found herself as the youngest, and one of few women, to serve in non-technical leadership roles at Anadarko Petroleum Corporation. She began...

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